About Us
We can make a difference by providing education, awareness, assistance, supporting the advancement of new medical technologies and procedures, and finding a cure for prostate cancer.
Prostate Cancer Awareness for Life.
January of 2017, my father was diagnosed with 4th stage prostate cancer. We knew it was serious. The doctors told us he could live for up to two years. They were right. Over those two years we saw my father go through the various stages of the cancer as it spread throughout his body.
Cancer doesn’t just affect the person that has it. It affects the entire family. We were a team of caregivers helping my mother to care for my father. There were frequent trips back and forth to the hospital, skilled nursing facilities, and senior care homes. Throughout it all my father never showed that he was in pain, even though he was.
In the end my father succumbed to the cancer on Memorial Day, May 25, 2019. He was a Korean War vet, so he was buried at Miramar Cemetery.
It’s strange how life sends you challenges. I had been monitoring my prostate, through yearly physicals and PSA checks. As the PSA checks showed something might be coming on, I would get MRI’s and if they showed something I would get the biopsies. Low and behold less than a year after my father passed away, I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. It was the third biopsy and fortunately with a new robotic biopsy procedure they detected the cancer. I decided on the surgery to take out my prostate. Fortunately, the cancer was still within the prostate and had not spread. I am now 100% cancer free!
After going through the last three years of experiencing prostate cancer I made the decision to dedicate my life to raising awareness about prostate cancer. I spoke with the Prostate Cancer Foundation and told them I would have a charity event to raise awareness and funds for them. I called on friends that had gone through prostate cancer like me and contacted family members to be a part of a golf event for the cause.
The whole process of starting a foundation, the Prostate Cancer Awareness for Life, to support and partner with the Prostate Cancer Foundation was a great experience.
What a great time everyone had at the inaugural Prostate Cancer Awareness Golf Event, held July 31, 2021, at the Chula Vista golf course. Overall, we were able to raise $11,000 for the Prostate Cancer Foundation!
We look forward to holding the event each year. Together we can make difference with increasing awareness, creating new medical technologies and procedures, and finding a cure for prostate cancer.
David Samudio